Oi Baldy!!!! Why does my Grandad still combe his 3 hairs

From Teddy to Bobby

Try to picture my Grandad in his 20’s. An English teddy boy, charmer, ladies man, living for the weekend. More Grease slicked through his jet back hair than a chip shop fryer. For example these two young men

Teddy boy

Now lets age him by about 50 years, still holding on to distant youth my Grandad now sports the Sir Bobby Charlton (one of Englands most legendary footballers)…..


….What does that man see in the mirror?.

Still Convinced

As he did all those years ago, he takes his grease and his trusty comb and sweeps the several strands of hair over his chrome dome. His bald head gleaming through what little hair he has left. So what good does he think it does? Is he still convinced no-one will notice the cover up? A few years ago when it was thicker he may well have managed to pass it off at a stretch. Although he is not the only one of this senior generation who does it.

It’s a generation thing

To quote the this article i found http://sciencemags.blogspot.com.au/2010/01/psychology-of-comb-overs.html

Sociological thinkers (and people with a great deal of extra time on their hands) suggest that combover practitioners fall prey to the sorites paradox. Essentially, the sorites paradox describes how small steps that seem sensible on their own can lead to an absurd outcome. In the case of comb-overs, the victim may begin moving the part of his hair by a small amount to add fullness to a region of thinning hair. Only as the process of baldness accelerates does this become a futile attempt to hide a glaring patch of skin under the last few stragglers of hair.

So if this is to be believed then my Grandad is suffering from a complex he started years ago and he probably still believes it’s working. This comes down to a generation of men with thick hair who used it as a fashion statement years ago, yet still holding on as tightly as they can to what hair they have left. My Grandad is obviously still that young Teddy Boy at heart.

Baldy locks and the three hairs

Well my Grandad seems happy even if he’s convincing no-one, even when the wind picks up and turn his 3 hairs into antennas. Bless the old git.

I’ll leave you with this from The Baldy Man

Let me know what you think guys and follow me here at OI! Baldy Blog or send me a tweet https://twitter.com/Oibaldyblog and check out my friends at TheBaldNation.com where i guest blog

Oi Baldy! I’m not hiding I just like hats!!!!

Does my head look good in this?

Bald Hat

I am an advocate for not hiding my bald head behind a hat I believe it shows a lack of confidence. For me this would be classed as wearing a hat for every occasion. No matter where you go you have a hat to wear and will try damned hard to avoid taking it off. Only what if you actually want to wear a hat?

The Dilemma

It’s a dilemma, hats like any item of clothing can be fashionable, I for one look good in a trilby. Where I get stuck is wearing it without being accused of hiding my baldness. How do I avoid that sort of stigma. What if sometimes I just like wearing a hat?

I get it a lot, Oi Baldy! take that bloody hat off! Why you wearing hat indoors? What you hiding? Bugger all thank you very much!!!! I’m no Calvin Kline model but I work a hat like I’m on the runway. This right here is just another addition to my sexy feel good nature, stop getting jealous.

Take action

My plan of action is simple I wear the hat, but for minutes at a time I’ll remove it so all the world can bask in my baldness. It’s out there I am proving to everyone in the pub, club, bus, café, etc that I love my baldness but like a nice pair of shoes I like to wear a good hat.

Should I care?

No! but i do it’s a statement that says i don’t care not a concern for being bald.I guess for me i worry I don’t come across as confident as i feel. The last thing I would want is to be sympathized on for something that is the making of me.

Let me know what you think guys and follow me here at OI! Baldy Blog or send me a tweet https://twitter.com/Oibaldyblog and check out my friends at TheBaldNation.com where i guest blog

OI! Baldy!!! Are you the Bald headed Fonzie!!!!

Being Bald and beautiful is a hard gig.

Lets go back to the early 90’s and 2 dancing skin heads were singing “I’m too sexy for my shirt, so sexy it hurts” back when big hair do’s and shoulder pads were just falling out of fashion. The band Right Said Fred were oozing camp machoism and confidence. This was the start of the chrome dome and it was was making a breakthrough. They weren’t technically bald but were certainly unashamed of having little to no hair what is more they flaunted sex appeal

Where’s my bloody confidence?

I lacked a certain amount of confidence in my first bald year nothing but time wasted feeling sorry for myself. I didn’t realise that I was now a darn sight more attractive than ever and why? Because I stopped worrying, I went out into the world and showed them that I am a baldy and I love it. I got confident and secure about it. Everything in my life got better and better and I became the man I am today.

Bald headed Fonz

Fonzie bald

Being confident makes it a lot easier to deal with baldness, get cocky with it. What we lack is the inhibition to appreciate just how good a bald head can look. If you can see yourself in the mirror each day and call yourself the bald Fonzie then people will love it. There is nothing more awkward than a man who hides behind a combe over or a permanent hat that only comes off when needed.

Solid bald action heroes

The days of Errol Flynn are over, the full locks and quiffs are out. We are lucky that mainstream media has taken to the bald man. Hollywood will influence the world in fashion and style. What was a hair dominated industry things have changed. Now they are turning to the bald man for confidence. Vin Diesel, Jason Statham, Samuel L Jackson are just a couple of sex symbols fronting films. That’s right sex symbols, granted they have impeccable physiques but nobody is complaining about their slapheads and they are dripping in sex appeal.

You da man

To anyone who worries about looking out of place or less than sexy, to those who worry they are less of a man, don’t! Bald is sexy, bald is beautiful and you need to look in the mirror and tell yourself that you da man!!! Go out into the world and rock it.

Let me know what you think guys and follow me here at OI! Baldy Blog or send me a tweet https://twitter.com/Oibaldyblog and check out my friends at TheBaldNation.com where i guest blog

OI! Baldy!!! Is it in my genes?

Of course it is, thats the simple answer


Check out this beautiful bunch above,  sat down is my Dad, my uncle (Dads side) standing is me and my other uncle (Mums side) did i stand a chance?

The beauty of it

To me it was no surprise I lost my hair and judging by that picture i’m guessing no-one else was surprised. For me the expectation of going bald was there. Yes I was too young but at least I was half way to understanding how to feel when the time came.

The running joke

I was always raised to see the funny side of things, try to be light hearted even when the situation seems dire. Going bald was no exception. Yes i stressed about going bald so young but with family like this ready to take the piss out of you then it’s easier to see the light hearted side of going bald.

No thick skin

No matter how much fun me and the family would have it still hurt when people would slap my head or comment on my receding hair line. Would those same people ridicule someone with a disability (quite dramatic I know) and think it’s exceptable. There is no thick skin to a man who is distressed about his situation.

So shake it off

Taylor Swift

Taylor swift may have skipped a line in here single Shake It Off “Baldies gonna Bald, so i’m just gonna Shake it off”. What my genes and family gave me was humour and expectations, i can’t say i was 100% mentally prepared to cope with my earl stages of baldness but I knew what my future held as if looking into a big shiny bald headed crystal ball. “So when the haters gonna i hate, i’m just gonna shake it off, shake it off” (generally down the plug hole).

Let me know what you think guys and follow me here at OI! Baldy Blog or send me a tweet https://twitter.com/Oibaldyblog